The price subsidy tender for environmentally friendly electric cars has been launched again this year, and large family buyers choosing seven-seater models can get a discount of up to HUF 5 million on the purchase price.
All this is likely to further stimulate the growing interest in electric cars, according to search statistics at the market-leading used cars site Használtautó.hu: the state subsidy may increase the number of green cars in ther fleet to 20,000 by the end of the year.
In 2020, the market for new electric cars grew by 66%, with the introduction of 3,047 pure electric models, thanks to the purchase subsidy announced on May 20, 2020.
"Last year's tender was a record-breaker. The budget was exhausted in 27 hours but interest in electric cars remains strong. This is shown not only by the fact that the number of new cars purchased, largely with the help of the previous grant, has already exceeded 1,000, but also by the fact that the number of searches for electric cars on Használtautó.hu, which also offers new cars, almost doubled in the first four months of 2021 compared to last year," Mátyás Katona, an expert at Használtautó.hu said.
According to information from Datahouse Ltd., the domestic market for new electric cars was led by the Kia e-Niro last year and so far, this year, while the Nissan Leaf, the first full electric car, proved to be the most popular on the Használtautó.hu platform last year and this year. It is followed by the Tesla Model S, Model 3 and Model X series. The market's recovery is also indicated by the fact that in the first four months of this year, more than half as many people have already bought a Leaf than in the whole of last year.
Of the more than 30,000 cars with green plates on the road in the country, 14,411 were pure electric by the end of April 2021. Thanks to state support, the domestic fleet of zero-emission cars – at local level – could reach 20,000 by the end of the year. This year, the government will provide a further HUF 1 billion in three periods to support the purchase of environmentally friendly electric cars. The HUF 2.5 million subsidy is now available up to a purchase price of HUF 12 million within the total budget of HUF 3 billion, while a HUF 1.5 million subsidy is now available for more expensive models up to HUF 15 million. A new feature is the possibility of a HUF 2.5 million price subsidy for 7-9-seater models of up to HUF 14 million and a HUF 1.5 million price subsidy for such vehicles of up to HUF 17 million.

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