Albanian and Hungarian relations extend over centuries,” Albanian Consul of Honor Avnija Hafuzi says in a recent interview with Diplomacy & Trade. The businessman speaks about a charity project he is currently involved in.

Albanian and Hungarian relations extend over centuries,” Albanian Consul of Honor Avnija Hafuzi says in a recent interview with Diplomacy & Trade. The businessman speaks about a charity project he is currently involved in.
“Albanian and Hungarian relations extend over centuries,” Albanian Consul of Honor Avnija Hafuzi says in a recent interview with Diplomacy & Trade. The businessman is also the Hungarian representative of the Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Albanian Premier Sali Berisha began an official visit to Budapest on Monday at the invitation of his Hungarian counterpart, Viktor Orbán. The Hungarian Prime Minister stated that Hungary supported Albania's accession to the European Union.
"It is important to prepare Hungarian business people psychologically and giving them assurances that the Albanian business climate is safe for them." That is what the Albanian ambassador to Hungary, Florian Nova emphasizes in his interview, promoting the growing number of opportunities offered by his home country but lesser known to Hungarians.
Albanian businessman Avni Hafuzi has been living in Hungary since 1980. He has a company dealing with customs services offered in the country. Helping out with the family business and at the same time fostering her own career in a completely different field is his interior designer daughter, Fatime.