The new Brazilain Ambassador to Hungary, Valter Pecly Moreira, invited guests to the Institute and Museum of Military History in the Buda Castle celebrate the Opening Reception of the Brazil Week on the occasion of the country's National Day.

The new Brazilain Ambassador to Hungary, Valter Pecly Moreira, invited guests to the Institute and Museum of Military History in the Buda Castle celebrate the Opening Reception of the Brazil Week on the occasion of the country's National Day.
The new Brazilain Ambassador to Hungary, Valter Pecly Moreira, invited guests to the Institute and Museum of Military History in the Buda Castle celebrate the Opening Reception of the Brazil Week on the occasion of the country's National Day.
The Vice President of Brazil, Michel Termer told Diplomacy & Trade in Budapest that his country considers Hungary an important partner that can provide important technological solutions, especially in the fields of agriculture and fishing.
The Director of the Center for International Business (CIN) of the Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN), Mr. Amaury Temporal, visited Budapest, from December 14th to 17th, to promote trade and investments opportunities
With support from the Brazilian Embassy in Budapest, the Council of Citizens, an entity representative of the Brazilian residents in Hungary, organizes the second Brazil Week in the Hungarian capital between September 7 and 13, 2012..
Eighty posters of environmental subject could be seen for five days in the hall of the Representatives Office (Képviselõi Irodaház) in Budapest to coincide with the Rio+20 international environmental conference in Brazil.
Organizers and presenters of this annual series of events will focus on promoting Portuguese language as well as the literatures, the rich cultural heritages, and the visual and performing arts of Portuguese-speaking countries.
Few have realized that the countless faces of Brazil, occupying a territory almost as large as the United States, would still be shrouded in darkness had it not been for the emergence of civil aviation. Read on to discover more!
In an interview published in the previous issue of Diplomacy and Trade, the Brazilian Ambassador to Hungary, Sergio Eduardo Moreira Lima says his objective is to enhance the diplomatic profile of Brazil and promote closer ties with Hungary.
On the occasion of this week's Hungary-Latin America Forum in Budapest, Jaime Gornsztejn of the Brazilian Development Bank gave an exclusive interview to Diplomacy & Trade about the business opportunities Brazilian firms look for in Hungary.
The Diplomacy and Trade Business Club ('The Club') held its latest networking event at the Four Seasons Hotel in Budapest this Tuesday, presenting the latest issue of ‘Diplomacy and Trade’ that features a supplement on Brazil.
In recent years the number of tourists opting for Brazil as their destination has increased considerably as a result of the country’s continued promotion on the Hungarian market. In order to further boost tourism, a tourist workshop was organized recently.
Stretching across half of South America, the fascinating land of Brazil has enchanted travelers for over 500 years. Alexandre Vidal Porto, Charge d’Affaire at the Brazilian Embassy in Budapest, shares his views on the rise of Brazilian tourism.
When an average Hungarian thinks about Brazil, only football, samba and carnival season come to mind. The Brazilian Dance Academy in Budapest is about to change this.