There's a general understanding that Hungarian party and campaign financing is in great need of an overhaul. Since the law on this matter can only be amended by two thirdsin parliament, the opposition and government should agree on a solution.

There's a general understanding that Hungarian party and campaign financing is in great need of an overhaul. Since the law on this matter can only be amended by two thirdsin parliament, the opposition and government should agree on a solution.
The creation of an online community never seen before was the revolutionary idea by Barack Obama's campaign strategists.
According to State Auditing Office (ASz) President Arpad Kovacs (pictured), the civil sphere demands to take part in political affairs, including party financing regulation.
New Hungarian foreign minister Péter Balázs was quick to point outthat his main priority will becommunicating PrimeMinister Gordon Bajnai's crisis-management program.