Articles by #hashtag

Collector coins

11 hits

New Hungarian Folk Tales Collector Coin

Sep 29, 2022

The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) will issue a collector coin of HUF 2,000 called ‘Király kis Miklós’ (King Little Cause) on writer Elek Benedek’s birthday, on the day of Hungarian folk tales. This collector coin is the second piece of the seven-piece non-ferrous metal collector coin series, launched last year, whose dedicated objective is […]

The Golden Florin of János Hunyadi - Collector Coin

Sep 6, 2022

The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) will issue a particularly valuable gold collector coin named ‘Hunyadi János aranyforintja’ (The Golden florin of John Hunyadi) in single and in piedfort version, which is four times the weight of a normal coin, an MNB statement says. In line with the traditions of central bank issuances, the non-ferrous […]

Collector Coin to Honor Milton Friedman

Jul 8, 2022

In honor of the 110th anniversary of Milton Friedmann’s birth, the National Bank of Hungary will issue a silver collector coin with a face value of HUF 15,000, and its a non-ferrous version of HUF 2,000 on Monday, 11 July 2022. The collector coins come as the second piece in the series presenting Nobel Memorial […]

Collector Coins Commemorate the Golden Bull of 1222

May 20, 2022

Named “II. András Aranybullája” (The Golden Bull of Andrew II of Hungary), the Magyar Nemzeti Bank is issuing a small-sized gold coin at a face value of HUF 10,000 and a non-ferrous metal coin at a face value of HUF 5,000, which is the same size as the seal on the Aranybulla, in Esztergom to […]

Collector Coin To Honor Győr's 750th Anniversary

Jun 17, 2021

To honor the 750th anniversary of Győr, NW Hungary, becoming a royal town, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank is issuing a special non-ferrous metal collector coin of HUF 750 making a reference to the anniversary. With 40,000 pieces, an unusually high number of the coin will be minted. The coin was designed by sculptor Ferenc Lebó […]

Collector Coin to Honor the Olympics and Paralympics

Jun 6, 2021

The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) has issued a silver collector coin of HUF 10,000 and its HUF 2,000 non-ferrous metal version named ‘XXXII. Nyári Olimpiai és XVI. Nyári Paralimpiai Játékok’ (Games of the XXXII Olympiad and the XVI Paralympic Games). The Games of the XXXII Olympiad and the XVI Paralympic Games will be held […]

HUN Presidency of the Council of Europe on Collector Coin

May 18, 2021

The National Bank of Hungary (Magyar Nemzeti Bank - MNB) has issued a non-ferrous metal collector coin of HUF 2,000 to honor the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of Europe. It is the second time Hungary has tended to the tasks of the presidency in the international organisation representing the protection of human rights, democracy […]

Collector Coins to Honor UEFA EURO 2020

May 15, 2021

The National Bank of Hungary (Magyar Nemzeti Bank - MNB) will issue a HUF 10,000 silver collector coin and its non-ferrous metal version of HUF 2,000 named ‘XVI. UEFA Labdarúgó-Európa-bajnokság’ (16th UEFA Football European Championship) one month before the first game of the tournament to be held in Budapest. The collector coins were designed by […]

Collector Coins Commemorate Hungarian Olympic Committee

Dec 4, 2020

The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) issues a silver collector coin with a face value of HUF 10,000 and its non-ferrous metal version of HUF 2,000 to honor the 125th anniversary of the Hungarian Olympic Committee’s foundation. MNB says the special silver collector coin with a gold-coated edge and its non-ferrous metal version pay homage […]

Collector Coins to Honor Weather Service Anniversary

Sep 25, 2020

The National Bank of Hungary has issued a silver collector coin with a face value of HUF 10,000 and its non-ferrous metal version of HUF 2,000 to mark the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian Meteorological Service on September 25, 2020. For the first time in the history of central bank issuances of […]

Kiskunság National Park collector coins

Kiskunság National Park Collector Coins

Sep 1, 2020

The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) will issue a silver collector coin of HUF 10,000 and its non-ferrous metal version with a face value of HUF 2,000 on September 2, 2020 to honor the 45th anniversary of the foundation of Hungary’s second national park. The vertical rectangle special collector coins will be issued as a […]

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