Articles by #hashtag


5 hits

Erste Bank Opens Dog-Friendly Branches in Hungary

Jan 4, 2023

From now on, Erste Bank customers do not have to leave their four-legged pets at home when they go to the branch of the financial institution to do business. For the time being, dogs are expected in six branches, and Erste will decide on the dog-friendly concept based on the experience of a two-month trial […]

The Town of Bük Goes Dog-Friendly

Aug 12, 2022

The popular western Hungarian spa town of Bük will turn into a real dog paradise after Nestlé Hungária's PURINA division launches the program ‘Dog-friendly Bük’ in cooperation with the local authorities and local entrepreneurs. A statement by the company says that in Hungary and globally, pets are gaining ground in tourism. More and more people […]

Lucky Dogs - Lucky Ambassador

In the WittyLeaks section of Diplomacy&Trade, diplomats accredited to Hungary give account of their personal experiences or some lighter aspects of bilateral relations. In the December 2021 issue, the Portuguese ambassador writes about his experience gained when walking his dogs in the Buda Hills. Lucas is six years old and Angie is six months younger. […]

Dog Brains Can Distinguish Between Languages

Jan 6, 2022

Dog brains can detect speech, and show different activity patterns to a familiar and an unfamiliar language, a new brain imaging study by researchers from the Department of Ethology at the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) has found in Budapest. This is the first demonstration that a non-human brain can differentiate two languages, biologist and psychologist […]

Dog Adoption Call on Pizza Boxes

Feb 3, 2021

Thousands of pizza boxes a day will feature photos of animals looking for a master as part of a new campaign to encourage adoption in Hungary. As the popular news site quotes an announcement by the Pizza Dog campaign that "In Hungary, there are a lot of stray animals on the streets and many […]

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