Articles by #hashtag

United States

60 hits

US Sanctions Orbán’s Chief of Staff Over Corruption Allegations

Jan 10, 2025

In a rare move against a NATO ally, the United States has imposed sanctions on Antal Rogán, the chief of staff to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, citing allegations of corruption. The US Department of State announced the decision on Tuesday, marking Rogán as the highest-ranking Hunga The US Treasury Department accused Rogán of orchestrating […]

Make Europe Great Again: Hungary's Bold Motto for EU Presidency

Jun 21, 2024

Hungary has unveiled "Make Europe Great Again" as the motto for its upcoming six-month presidency of the Council of the EU, starting on July 1. During this period, Hungarian diplomats will chair crucial meetings in Brussels and influence the bloc's political agenda. This slogan echoes "Make America Great Again," used by Donald Trump during his […]

Tensions Escalate Between U.S. and Hungary after Address by U.S. Ambassador

Mar 15, 2024

In a forthright address, U.S. Ambassador David Pressman sharply criticized Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for actions he described as detrimental to the trust between the United States and Hungary. The Ambassador's speech, delivered in Budapest, marked a significant moment in the increasingly strained relations between the two nations, accusing the Hungarian government of corruption, […]

US Restricts Visa Waiver Program for Hungarians

Aug 4, 2023

The United States tightened visa-free access for Hungarians to its territory amid security concerns stemming from the policies of the Hungarian government. Washington’s move comes after several previous threats that it will limit travel opportunities for Hungarian citizens. Bilateral relations between the United States and Hungary took a turn for the worse after Washington announced […]

Republican senator blocks arms sale to Hungary over Sweden’s NATO bid

Jun 16, 2023

A top Republican senator is blocking an arms deal between the US and Hungary over the latter’s delay of ratifying Sweden NATO accession. The move is testament to the continuous souring of relations between Washington and Budapest due to Hungary’s stance over the war in Ukraine. Senator James E. Risch, the top Republican on the […]

Hungary’s Rift with US Deepens over “Spy Bank” Issue

Apr 14, 2023

Hungary’s deteriorating relations with the US took a turn for the worse as Washington announced a series of sanctions against Russia that also affected Hungary. This was the first time since the start of the war in Ukraine that an entity based in Hungary, a NATO and EU member, was sanctioned. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Viktor […]

Joint Saudi-American Communiqué

Jul 20, 2022

Following the visit of U.S. President Joe Biden to Saudi Arabia, the following joint statement was issued according to the Saudi Embassy in Budapest. At the invitation of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, President Joseph R. Biden conducted an official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia July […]

Kevin A. Murray, Citibank

Keeping the Floodgates Closed

Edith Balázs
Jul 9, 2019

The short-term outlook for the banking industry in Central and Eastern Europe is reassuring, but the financial industry has grown more cautious with respect to lending despite a supportive macroeconomic and industry backdrop, Kevin A. Murray, Chief Executive Officer for Central Europe and Country Head for Hungary tells Diplomacy&Trade. In recent years, countries in Central […]

Hungary - US relations

Scenes from a Marriage

Tamás Magyarics
Jul 9, 2019

Marriages can be of different nature. Some are between equals, others between partners where one is more equal than the other’. U.S.-Hungarian relations clearly fall into the latter category; given the size, the capabilities and the opportunities of the two countries, it is a euphemism used only in polite circles that they are equal partners […]

Ambassador Cornstein at Pápa Air Base

U.S. Keen on Weaning Hungary off Russian Energy

Edith Balázs
Jul 9, 2019

Hungary’s dependence on Russian natural gas imports is a concern for the Trump administration, which seeks to help the eastern European country in diversifying its natural gas supply sources, U.S. Ambassador to Hungary David B. Cornstein tells Diplomacy&Trade in an interview. Hungary’s reliance on Russia for energy supply has repeatedly been highlighted as an issue […]

In the Persian Gulf

Playing for the Galleries

Tamás Magyarics
Jul 9, 2019

Conflicts resurface in the Middle East from time to time. The region's particularly sensitive point is the Strait of Hormuz on the key route of oil shipments. U.S.-Iranian relations have been backsliding since the overthrow of the Shah in early 1979. The hostage crisis in 1979-1981 poisoned bilateral relations almost beyond repair. The Reagan administration […]

Donald Trump and Viktor Orbán

A Breakthrough of Sorts…

Tamás Magyarics
Jun 5, 2019

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán paid a long overdue visit to the President of the United States on May 13, 2019. The last time he had an invitation from the White House was almost 20 years ago, and the latest time a Hungarian Prime Minister paid an official visit to a U.S. President was in 2005. […]

László Szabó (on the left) and David B. Cornstein | US Embassy

Business forum

Sep 4, 2018

A magyar munkaerõ rendkívüli és nagyon intelligens - jelentette ki az Egyesült Államok budapesti nagykövete egy keddi fõvárosi angol nyelvû üzleti fórumon, amelyet az Amerikai Kereskedelmi Kamara (AmCham) rendezett. David B. Cornstein azt mondta, alacsony a társasági adó kulcsa, a kormányzat ösztönzi az üzletet. Az Egyesült Államok budapesti nagykövete szörnyûnek nevezte, ha egy ország energiaszükségletének […]

The new American ambassador to Hungary

New US Ambassador presents credentials

Jun 25, 2018

The new ambassador of the United States of America presented his letter of credentials to Hungarian President János Áder in the Sándor Palace in Budapest this Monday. The previous US ambassador, Colleen Bell left her post in January 2017.

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