Articles by Date

January 2015

20 hits
Tiltakozunk (We protest)

Road blockades against new road toll

Jan 8, 2015

Civil groups and local Socialist Party activists organised a roadblock in protest of the new road toll regulations. The demonstrators blocked one lane on each side along a 1-km section on dual carriageway M86 near Szombathely, in western Hungary.


Hungary condemns terrorist attack

Jan 7, 2015

The Hungarian political elite, including governing and opposition parties as well as President János Áder and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, has condemned the Islamist terrorist attack on the editorial offices of a French magazine in Paris this Wednesday.

Ambassadors accredited to Hungary at the annual diplomatic reception in the Palace of Arts in Budapest | Tibor Illyés / MTI

Annual presidential reception for diplomats

Jan 6, 2015

The Palace of Arts in Budapest was the venue of the reception given by Hungarian President János Áder to ambassadors accredited to Hungary. In his speech to the diplomats, the President emphasized the importance peace and that of environment protection.

Hoopoe - the Bird of the Year in Hungary | Csaba Lóki - MME

Hungarian bird of the year 2015

Jan 5, 2015

According to an internet survey conducted by the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society (MME), the Bird of the Year in Hungary in 2015 is the hoopoe, which finished ahead of the blackbird and the robin in the voting.

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