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János Áder

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Brazilian President Visits Budapest

Feb 17, 2022

Following a visit to Moscow, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was in the Hungarian capital this Thursday and held talks with Hungarian officials such as Presdient János Áder and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Hungary has a vested interest in close cooperation with Brazil. That is according to Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán who spoke after talks with […]

New Year Diplomatic Reception in Budapest

Jan 10, 2022

Relations between countries and dialog between nations cannot be based on lies or denial of the truth. That is according to Hungarian President János Áder, who received the members of the diplomatic corps at the Palace of Arts (Müpa) Budapest Monday evening. At the traditional opening ceremony of the diplomatic event, the head of state […]

Let Us Strengthen Our Will to Do Something!

Jan 1, 2022

"I wish that we not only retain but also strengthen our will to do something in the New Year, so that we are not overcome by apathy and resignation," Hungarian President János Áder said in his televised New Year's greetings. He quoted from an essay by the recently deceased world-famous Hungarian psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi that […]

President János Áder receives Polish ambassador Jerzy Snopek at the New Year diplomatic reception

New Year Diplomatic Reception

Jan 13, 2020

Hungarian President János Áder held his traditional new year reception this Monday at the Palace of Arts for diplomats accredited in Budapest. In his speech, President Áder voiced his opinion that “it is the most beautiful tradition of Europe that each country shapes its future with their own past experience and national goals, accepting European […]

Hungarian President János Áder and sign language interpreter Fanni Weisz | Tamás Kovács /MTI

Hungarian President delivers New Year speech

Jan 1, 2018

Whatever we believe in, whatever goals are driving our lives, we still wish success and happiness to one another again and again. Keep the charm of this moment all year long, Hungarian President János Áder said in his New Year speech.

Ambassadors accredited to Hungary at the annual diplomatic reception in the Palace of Arts in Budapest | Tibor Illyés / MTI

Annual presidential reception for diplomats

Jan 6, 2015

The Palace of Arts in Budapest was the venue of the reception given by Hungarian President János Áder to ambassadors accredited to Hungary. In his speech to the diplomats, the President emphasized the importance peace and that of environment protection.

Commemoration at the 70th anniversary of the death of Miklós Radnóti in Abda

Hungarian poet remembered at death anniversary

Nov 10, 2014

A commemoration was held this Sunday, marking the 70th death anniversary of poet and Holocaust victim Miklós Radnóti, considered to be one of the great poets in this country. He is believed to have been shot dead during a death march in 1944.

Hungarian President János Áder speaking before Hungarian Parliament on October 20 | Attila Kovács / MTI

Hungarian President on climate issues in Parliament

Oct 20, 2014

Hungarian President János Áder spoke before the agenda this Monday at the plenary session of Hungarian Parliament. He gave account to the national assembly about his participation at the UN climate conference organized in New York City last month.

| Noémi Bruzák/MTI

Polish President visits Hungary

Mar 24, 2014

The President of the Republic of Poland, Bronislaw Komorowski visited Hungary this past week-end to take part in events held on the occasion of the Day of Hungarian Polish Friendship. He was hosted by his Hungarian counterpart, János Áder.

Hungarian Presdient János Áder at the Pápa Air Base on the 15th anniversary of Hungary's membership in NATO | MTI / Szilárd Koszticsák

Hungary's NATO membership: 15th anniversary

Mar 12, 2014

Peace and freedom are not gifts provided by nature, we have to fight for these values day by day, Hungarian President János Áder pointed out at the the Hungarian and NATO Air Base in Pápa, NW Hungary on the 15th anniversary of Hungary's NATO membership.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon speaking at the Budapest Water Summit | Dávid Harangozó

Budapest Water Summit opens

Oct 8, 2013

Hungarian President János Áder opened the Budapest Water Summit conference this Tuesday in the Millenáris Park of the Hungarian capital. The four-day event was also greeted by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Rosen Plevneliev and János Áder | Dávid Harangozó

Bulgarian President visits Hungary

Apr 2, 2013

Bulgarian President, Rosen Plevneliev, arrived on an official visit to Hungary Tuesday. He was received in Budapest by his Hungarian counterpart János Áder. Topics discussed included Bulgaria's intention to join the Schengen zone as well as energy issues.

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