Only 100 days to go till the beginning of Sziget! In the middle of the economic recession it sure does good for Sziget festival (Aug 11-16.) to win Vodafone as the main sponsor of the biggest international summer happening in Hungary. As regards entrance fees, prices will be reduced!
“This is the meeting of two hot shots: Vodafone is one of the best known brands in Europe and this is also believed as regards Sziget. After Ferenc Puskas and the Rubik cube, Sziget is the third best known Hungarian “product” in Europe.” Károly Gerendai main organizer began his speech with these words on the press conference on Friday. “We strengthen our position with the mobile service provider company so this will make Sziget in 2010 more successful and innovative.
As Vodafone Magyarország CEO György Beck declared, in 2010 Sziget becomes mobile. “We are planning to launch mobile technology novelties that will make staying at Sziget more comfortable for both Hungarians and for foreign Sziget-goers. We will enable visitors to buy a day-ticket through mobile phones this year. What is more, they will be able to buy certain products by sending an sms only, for example coffee from a vending machine. In this way, cash traffic will be reduced and mobile payment will be increased.”
By using mobile services, staying at Sziget can not only become more comfortable or simple but cheaper as well. The launch of the new minute-based mobile payment system is one of the key characteristics of this. Using this possibility, visitors only start paying after they entered the festival; they send an sms that activates the stay. When the visitor leaves the venue after for example listening to a concert, by sending a second sms he or she stops the minute-counter. The minute-based entrance fee will appear one’s mobile account later on. So if we only want to participate in a concert that takes 2 hours, we do not have to pay for the whole day just for that time. In this way the price of a concert-long stay will be approximately 2-3000 Ft.
For people choosing this kind of payment, organizers are going to set up an express gate at the entrance. Other reduced-priced tickets that have been introduced last year are still available to purchase, like the group ticket for students or the reduced night ticket for half price from 11 p.m.
Others, who do not like any of the above payment possibilities, could queue up dressed in red on Friday on Andrássy Rd., at the venue of the press conference. The first 70 grantee girls, thanks to Vodafone’s communication campaign, received a free week-ticket for Sziget.
Sziget programs
Sziget Day -1: Kis Pál farewell concert
Sziget Day 0.: Jamaican music fiesta with ska and reggae performers on the Main stage for the 65. anniversary of the birth of Bob Marley.
Sziget Day 0.: In the same time as the Jamaican fiesta on the World music stage: a tribute to Tamás Cseh singer and musician with many artists including Heaven Street Seven, Bori Péterfy, Kistehén zenekar, Bea Palya, András Lovasi, Quimby, Szilvia Bognár, Ágnes Herczku and Evelin Tóth.
Tickets on Day -1 and 0 are for half price (6000 Ft) if buying day ticket. For visitors possessing a week ticket is free.
Visit the Sziget website festival for further programs!

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