AISB’s long-awaited brand new elementary school building is completed and opened in Nagykovácsi.
The American International School of Budapest (AISB) has formally opened its brand new elementary school building in Nagykovacsi, consolidating the whole school onto one single campus. “With such state-of-the-art facilities, we are well and truly embedding our vision of being one of the leading international schools of Europe,” says Ray Holliday-Bersegeay, director of the independent, non-profit co-educational day school. The 10 million dollar project has taken nearly four years to come to fruition. According to the director, everyone is delighted with the results of such hard work and careful planning. The 200 Lower Elementary students that were on the Buda campus in District 12 until mid-October have now joined their Upper Elementary companions in the new building in Nagykovacsi. “The new unified campus will increase the school’s sense of community at the level of all its constituents: students, faculty, staff and parents,” the director told Diplomacy and Trade.
“All the faculty and staff are tremendously excited about being part of a consolidated campus and a unified school with all that this means for regular interaction and program development. Many parents will be relieved that their twice-daily Buda-Nagykovacsi commute has come to an end. “Pupils will also find the progression from grade to grade smoother as they will not suddenly find themselves transferred to a different campus. In sum, our elementary division has at last the chance to develop a true elementary school ethos in a way that is not possible in a split-site situation.” The unified campus now stands on 13.1 hectares of land, some 13 kilometers from Budapest, while the buildings have a floor area of 25,000 square meters. The new school building has been built to the exacting standards laid out in the Leadership in Educational and Environmental Design (LEED) ratings system developed by the US Green Building Council. “This is the first school building in Central Europe to be constructed according to these norms,” Holliday- Bersegeay added. “It is very definitely age-appropriate in its design and has the small, cozy and inviting environment so important for young children.”
The school director points out that, with this building, AISB wishes to set an example of how to take the environment into consideration in a practical and beneficial way. “An additional step is to develop the ‘community school’ vision of AISB, as outlined in our Strategic plan,” he says. “I’d also like to reach the stage where we become a community and cultural center that welcomes national and international artists, politicians and other celebrities, who are visiting Budapest. We take very seriously our Community Service contribution and now is the time for us to move to the next level,” he adds. The mayor of Nagykovacsi, Monika Bencsik fully endorsed the positive effect AISB has on the village. Holliday-Bersegeay affirmed that “Some of our clubs, theatre productions and sport facilities are already visited and enjoyed by local people, and this is the direction in which we shall continue.”

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