In the second half of 2022, the Czech Republic is holding the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union. On this occasion, Diplomacy&Trade has carried an extensive interview with the Czech Ambassador to Hungary, Tibor Bial who presents in detail the priorities of the Presidency in addition to highlighting Czech-Hungarian cooperation in various international platforms and also explains how his country has been preparing for the likely challenges of the coming winter.
The motto of the Czech Presidency is 'Europe as a Task: Rethink, Rebuild, Repower', a title of President Václav Havel's speech from 1996 in which he called on Europeans to take responsibility for global environmental and social and economic challenges and lead by example.
Lead by example
As Ambassador Tibor Bial tells Diplomacy&Trade, “we are now in the midst of virtually such a challenging period. So, it is equally important not only to be united, but also to lead by example.” He notes that the rotating presidency always takes place in Trios. In this case, France, the Czech Republic and then Sweden, hold the rotating presidency for a year and a half, and they tend to set this program together. “This program started with the French Presidency at the beginning of this year, but as we know, war broke out in Ukraine on February 24, when Russia attacked Ukraine, and that completely overruled the program, So, in practice we had to be quite flexible in our response. Therefore, the few priorities that fall under the Czech EU Presidency were redefined.”
The Ambassador stresses that “we are still living through such a challenging period. So, it is very important not only to be united, but also to lead by example. Thus, our five priorities are managing the refugee crisis and Ukraine's post-war recovery; energy security; strengthening Europe's defense capabilities and cyberspace security; strategic resilience of the European economy and resilience of democratic institutions.”
Managing the refugee crisis and Ukraine's post-war recovery
Emphasizing the first and most important point of the program, he reminds that “this is the biggest refugee crisis we are facing since the Second World War, and it was very important, in practical terms, to assure Ukraine of our solidarity and to stand up for its territorial integrity and sovereignty, which the European Union has done in full, and it is very important that the refugees who have been forced to leave Ukraine manage to integrate, either temporarily or in the long term, into the societies, the countries to which they have just moved. Here, it is primarily the countries sharing a border with Ukraine that are under the greatest pressure. Apart from Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Poland are obviously the biggest host countries, or transit countries in this respect, because of the length of their borders with Ukraine. But I have to say that the Czech Republic absolutely understands the situation and the challenges of these countries, because the Czech Republic, although it does not have a direct border with Ukraine, many Ukrainians have lived here even before the war started – 250,000 to be exact. Ukrainians were living and working here, and naturally their families, relatives, acquaintances and friends came here to live with them once the war started. Therefore, the number of Ukrainians living here has increased to 700 000, which means that the Czech Republic can be also considered a destination country. That is why we know and understand exactly what challenges the countries bordering Ukraine are facing, and that is why we are also trying to organize assistance for Ukraine within the European Union.”
Energy security
The second point is ensuring and strengthening energy supply, because this war and this crisis have highlighted the need to rethink this strategy and to move towards diversification, in terms of procurement, raw materials and energy carriers, the ambassador remarks. It is because many countries within the European Union, including Hungary or the Czech Republic, are very heavily dependent on natural gas and crude oil from Russia. “Although we have all taken steps of one kind or another in the past, we are still very exposed. So, we had to take various steps and launch various programs in this regard. Our EU Presidency has convened a number of ministerial councils to ensure that Europe and the European Union find appropriate responses in terms of energy security,” he adds.
Strengthening defense capabilities and cyberspace security
“Unfortunately, Russia’s war in Ukraine has shown that there is a lot to be done in these areas, too. If we look at NATO or the European Union as platforms, we need to rethink the steps taken so far from a defense point of view to be able to ensure the security and territorial integrity of the European Union. Related to this is the need to strengthen the security of cyberspace, because as it has been said many times before, the next wars will not necessarily be fought only on traditional battlefields, but online, in cyberspace – and that way, they can cause as much, if not more, damage,” Ambassador Bial points out.
Strategic resilience of the European economy
“Obviously, a lot of things have had to be rethought here, because supply chains have also been disrupted. You only have to look at the food industry as a sector, for example, because Ukraine is one of the world's largest exporters of grains, and this export has actually come to a complete standstill for a while. This has also caused a huge global crisis, because these supply chains also need to be secured in the future, thus, various steps need to be taken in this regard. Obviously, this also includes the research and development part, because the various industries must be developed in such a way that the European Union's competitiveness is maintained, or rather strengthened, and it continues to be one of the leading players in the world,” he adds.
Resilience of democratic institutions
“Sustaining and strengthening democratic institutions is a very complex issue. Of course, the rule of law and the issue of human rights must be included, as well as the issue of anti-Semitism, but we would like to include in this point the search for war crimes and war criminals and their legal accountability. You can see that the Czech Republic is actively trying to respond to the challenges of the moment. We are trying to follow up these actions at the embassy level and trying to inform the Hungarian public about them, for example by organizing conferences,” the Ambassador concludes his presentation of the Czech EU Presidency priorities.
V4, C5 and B9
The European Union and NATO are the most important platforms where the two countries meet and cooperate as partners, but there are also other platforms.” Ambassador Bial highlights that the Visegrád Four (V4) should not be regarded as an institutionalized organization, but a free and open alliance in which the four countries discuss together the problems and issues of the day, where we have common ground and a common position. We try to amplify this voice, internationally or even at European level, and support each other. And where we do not necessarily agree completely, we try to understand the thinking and positions of the other side through deeper dialogue. Of course, where positions are not necessarily the same, each party will take and support their respective position.” In addition to the V4, there is also the C5, the Central Five, which includes Austria and Slovenia, in addition to the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, he adds. This C5 platform has been set up in order to be more effective in dealing with the effects of the pandemic and the actions that needed to be taken. This platform is still alive, because the pandemic is unfortunately still with us. And then there is the Bucharest Nine, the B9, which is a platform for the eastern wing of NATO, the newly acceded countries, on security. The current war, for example, has also given this platform quite a lot of challenges.”
Growing economic ties
In 2010, during the global economic crisis, the volume of economic relations between the two countries fell from EUR 6 billion to EUR 4.5 billion. However, the Ambassador highlights, in the following ten years, turnover more than doubled and the two countries became one of the top ten trading partners for each other. “So, much so, that the Czech Republic, for example, is the sixth most important trading partner for Hungary, but I am confident that we’ll soon be in the top five. Despite the fact that the economy has stalled from time to time, or even slowed down because of the pandemic, the volume of bilateral trade regained its dynamism again in the last year, with double-digit growth again in the region of EUR 11 billion, and it very much looks like that this year it will exceed EUR 12 billion. There are new investments from the Czech Republic in Hungary in various industries, and Czech companies already here are expanding and developing. I think that both countries are contributing to each other's economies in a quite tangible way.”
Prepared for the winter
As to how much the Czech Republic is affected by the energy crisis and how the country is preparing for the winter, Ambassador Bial notes that they are expecting an increase in energy demand in Europe in the coming months. “Since Russia is putting quite a lot of pressure on the European Union through its supply of energy carriers, both in terms of supply and prices, we had to react very quickly. In the Netherlands, we managed to open an LNG terminal with a capacity of about one third of our annual gas consumption. We have asked the operators of our gas storage facilities to accelerate the build-up of gas reserves to as high level as possible, and this reserve is currently around 90% of our total capacity. It is the next third, by the way, in terms of supplying our total annual gas demand. In addition, of course, we have also tried to open up new networks from the west and the north, both in terms of oil and gas, and we are also looking at other opportunities. We have pipelines from Germany, which are a further guarantee for us and we also have one from Poland under construction.”
He adds that there are also medium-term projects, such as the expansion of the Dukovany nuclear power plant, which are being accelerated. Regarding steps easing the population’s burden, government decisions have been taken or adopted in recent weeks to cap prices and ensure energy security for the citizens and public institutions. “In addition to that, we have obviously made everyone aware of the need to conserve energy as much as possible. Also, various other programs have been launched, such as one-off grants for children and other packages for residents to help, if not cover, then alleviate their increased cost of living. These automatically affect 70% of the population.”
Learning about each other
As far as cooperation in the cultural and civil spheres is concerned, the Ambassador says that they have focused quite strongly in the last 4-5 years on bringing the relationship between the two countries down from political level to that of everyday people, “so, that ordinary people can also feel the opportunities and beauty of the relationship between the two countries. We wish to show to Hungarians that the Czech Republic is not just about the fact that it has a beautiful capital, Prague, and we have very good beers and, say, Skoda is the best car, but that Hungarian people can learn more about the Czech Republic more than that – it is vice versa! In cooperation with Hungary, the Hungarian Embassy in Prague and other organizations, we are working to help our Czech compatriots to learn as much as possible about Hungary, about the beauty of Hungary. On the one hand, we have launched various programs that involve students, such as exchange programs, mutual camps and visits to each other. Five or six years ago, we revised the twin cities cooperation and said that we do not necessarily focus on quantity but rather on quality. We have organized a number of twinning meetings and conferences, including here at the Czech Embassy, where we have, of course, also involved companies that offer services or solutions to municipalities.”
He highlights that Czech culture in Hungary is practically promoted in the Czech Center located in the Embassy building. “They are the main custodians of cultural cooperation between the Czech Republic and Hungary here in Hungary, and they are doing so quite actively. This October, an exhibition on glass was opened, where Czech designers and artists appeared, but there are many other such exhibitions – as are a good number of literary and literary presentations and book launches, either here in the Embassy building or, for example, as part of the Night of Literature program, which is also not only in Budapest but also in the countryside. “We are also pleased to report that we opened our EU Presidency in Hungary with a concert by a choir of young people from the Czech Republic in the park in front of the Liszt Ferenc Music Academy in Budapest on the first of July. Also this fall, we celebrated our national day and before that, we organized a concert by the previous winners of the Virtuosos television talent show. Participants of the concert from both Hungary and the Czech Republic played the anthems at the reception itself. Of course, this cultural cooperation, these presentations, will have a final chord at the end of our Presidency, at Christmas, also in the form of a concert. However, it not only music or literature, but also several exhibitions have been or will be opened in the field of fine arts. I think that we have a lot of things to look forward to here in the near future,” Ambassador Tibor Bial concludes.
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